After installing the Shield Client on a PC or Mac, data can be encrypted with the VOURUS® Shield Tool. During the process, these data receive special file extensions which can only be interpreted and decrypted by the Shield Tool when opened again. This process runs automatically in the background.
In addition, the tool offers a number of other advantages for secure and data protection-compliant collaboration.
These include functionalities such as the possibility of providing documents with release options. For example, it is possible to specify during the encryption process that the recipient cannot edit the file, but can only read it. Export options, screenshots and further distribution attempts can also be prevented.
Using the unique PSDE Chain® technology, decryption permissions can also be subsequently revoked from users, rendering the shared files useless to the recipient. If desired, permissions can be taken directly from a Microsoft 365 environment when working with platforms such as SharePoint.
For maximum security, independent of external cloud storage solutions, we also offer the VOURUS® Cloud. Here, files can be stored directly on our own servers.